
Every time I meet someone new, they ask me what I do. And no matter how many times the same question has been asked, I struggle to answer it. Concisely, at least.

You know how some people have "The [Something] Guy" on their bios? I'm not "The [Something] Guy." If anything, I'd be an "everything" guy. Jack of all trades, master of some.

Generalist. Polymath. Range. Call it what you want.

Some refer to this as being T-shaped or X-shaped.

A diagram that explains T-shaped people and the intersection of their cross-discipline expertise, combined with deep discipline expertise.

I don't consider myself...
...a product manager, but I build and take products to market.
...a marketer, but I market.
...a developer, but I build apps.
...a designer, but I design websites and graphics.
...a writer, but I write.
...a blogger, but I blog.
...a financier, but I handle all the finances.
...a security researcher, but I'm in the ever-changing privacy and security landscape.
...an artist, but I write and record songs.

At the end of the day, I'm not a The [Something] Guy.

I'm just Hiram. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


How do you pronounce "Hiram"?

There are only 2 guidelines:

1. The H is silent.
2. The r is pronounced like the r in the name Guy Fieri, or like the t in the word items.

Notice how it's only a slight roll, with your tongue lightly hitting the roof of your mouth? Yeah, it's like that.

Why is your username @HiramFromTheChi?

Born in Chihuahua, raised in Chicago ("The Chi"). Both start with Chi, and both are home.

When and why did you become a vegetarian?

When: Circa 2016.
Why: For the animals, the planet, and my/our health.

Why do you only communicate through Signal?

Yep. When you call someone, or send them a message, it should only be received by the intended recipients—no one else.

In a world where tech companies control everything about an interaction between us, it's my way of respecting your/our privacy and rebuilding the internet.

Product Hunt

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